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Gymnastics Ontario 


Why do we have to pay the Gymnastics Ontario Membership fee every year?


GymZone Gymnastics & Athletics is proud to be a Gymnastics Ontario (G.O.) member club. As an individual, you automatically become a member of Gymnastics Ontario when you join GymZone (and this fee is transferable to any other G.O. member club).


Why is GymZone Gymnastics and Athletics part of Gymnastics Ontario?


As a club, becoming a member provides us with the following benefits:

Coaching Excellence

As a Gymnastics Ontario member, our coaches must complete practical and theory National Coaching Certification Program courses. Our coaches also have online access to the NCCP coaching courses, Respect in Sport courses, and Risk Management courses. Gymnastics Ontario holds an annual Coaching Congress that features top Canadian and international clinicians. This event allows for educational, strategic, and business growth, and GymZone Gymnastics & Athletics is proud to send members of our team each year.


As a member of Gymnastics Ontario, we join a community of 195 clubs, 85,000 athletes, 3,500 coaches, and 250 judges from across the province. Our members provide the highest quality programs in recreational, rhythmic, acrobatics, men’s and women’s artistic gymnastics, tumbling, and trampoline.


Insurance Coverage

Every member club is covered by liability insurance, as well as accident medical coverage.



Land Acknowledgement


GymZone would like to acknowledge the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850. We also further recognize that our facility is situated on the traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, and that the Greater City of Sudbury also includes the traditional lands of the Wahnapitae First Nation. We are grateful to be able to learn, live, work, teach and do gymnastics as uninvited guests, on the lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation. To acknowledge these territories, is to recognize that these Indigenous peoples were here prior to colonization, and that the lands hold significance to them, those who came before them, and their future generations.